Persuasion Research Proves The Better Way to Increase Sales and Persuade Anyone Is To Reduce Their Resistance - In Other Words, Take Away Their Reasons To Say No
Released on = January 3, 2006, 4:11 am
Press Release Author = Influence Marketing LLC
Industry = Small Business
Press Release Summary = Free Teleseminar demonstrates how to persuade by using the latest research on scientific persuasion. Teleseminar is on Thurs. Jan. 5, 2006 at Noon PST (3pm EST)
Press Release Body = Eric Knowles Ph.D. is the leading researcher in the unique area of reducing resistance to increase persuasion. Professor of Psychology at the University of Arkansas, he\'s an author and head of the Omega Research Lab, funded by the National Science Foundation to study ways of making messages more persuasive.
He will be interviewed by persuasion expert Kenrick Cleveland during a free teleseminar on Thursday, Jan. 5, 2006 at Noon PST (3PM EST). An MP3 recording and transcript will be available.
Resistance is the most important component of persuasion techniques. If the attractive features of an offer greatly outweigh the negative features, then persuasion is unnecessary. Persuasion is only for those times where resistance is strong and it is really about reducing someone\'s resistance to an offer.
\"Sales offers have become so frequent and intrusive,\" says Dr Knowles, \"that people often just turn them off. They tune them out or respond to them automatically, saying \'No, I don\'t do that\'. One thing we find effective is to add an unexpected phrase or element into the offer.
The disruption by itself is not effective at all in increasing sales. But it makes the reason that one gives after the disruption more effective. Really what it does is wake people up to actually listening and thinking about the offer\".
Another recently discovered part of decision-making is anticipated feelings of regret. An example of this is how people are reluctant to shift seats at a casino -- they automatically think about how bad they would feel if that machine won. Lotteries use anticipated regret in their advertising to get more ticket sales (at poor odds) of add-on play.
Host Kenrick Cleveland has trained people in persuasion for 27 years. \" Yes, persuasion can be used to coerce people, to manipulate them. But the long term costs of this are catastrophic. Properly, persuasion is a skill to get you seen, heard and felt above the roar. It only should be used with the highest integrity and honor. This always brings good results to all parties concerned.\"
People want to avoid being fooled and cheated. This factor is one of the strongest driving forces in human psychology. Research has shown that demonstrating to someone that they have been fooled causes a powerful increase in resistance.
As the population ages and have many years of life experience behind them, most people become harder to fool; and harder to convince. They value quality of service over strident claims - they\'ve heard it all before. Smart marketers and sales teams are turning to persuasion techniques to get their message seen, heard and considered.
Kenrick Cleveland is the President of Influence Marketing LLC., and has conducted persuasion training and coaching for over 27 years. Kenrick is an in demand persuasion coach and seminar leader. Clents credit him with over $2 Billion in sales increases over the course of his career. For more information please call 253-476-3199.